An award nomination for Made For Us!

Plus, discover social impact-themed podcasts

The Made For Us logo is written in white all caps text on a black background. Abstract circles of different colours, including pink, green and yellow, also appear in the image.

“Design is an approach to answering questions, but in a way that’s through action rather than through words.”

August de los Reyes

Happy Sunday, and welcome back to the Made For Us newsletter. Just over a week ago, the shortlist for the International Women’s Podcast Awards (IWPA) was announced and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Made For Us was nominated in two categories! It was a pretty exciting moment as the podcast didn’t even exist a year ago. Although I’d started researching the idea early in 2023, I only began recording the first few interviews in July. 

As I mentioned in the 1st edition of this newsletter, the aim of the podcast is to explore product design and innovation from the perspective of consumers who are not often top of mind. I also wanted to make the kind of podcast that I’d want to listen to, so it’s cool to see that it’s resonated with others as well. 

Beyond genres

The IWPAs are a bit different from traditional podcast awards - rather than focusing on the genre the podcast is in, they recognise the best ‘moments’ of a show. Made For Us was nominated in the following categories: ‘Moment of Insight from a Role Model’ (the moment comes from my interview with Rayouf Alhumedhi, creator of the headscarf emoji) and ‘Moment of Visionary Leadership’ (from my conversation with Sam Latif, P&G’s Company Accessibility Leader). If you haven’t already, do check out the episodes by clicking on the images below. And here’s the full IWPA shortlist - it’s a great way to discover some of the best shows out there by female podcasters.

Listen to Sam Latif

Listen to Rayouf Alhumedhi

Inclusive Design 101

Earlier this year, I was invited to curate an edition of the Sounds Like Impact newsletter, a really cool platform for discovering social impact-themed podcasts. According to founder Ayo Oti, it’s “an outlet for channelling the potential of audio storytelling to translate into action for social good.” In my curation, I share some great podcast episodes on inclusive design and accessibility that I learnt a lot from, as well as a couple of book recommendations for those who want to delve deeper into the topic. The quote at the top of this email comes from one of the episodes. To receive more podcast playlists in your inbox, you can sign up for Sounds Like Impact here.

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